Privacy Policy of Mind Impact Ltd

Since the protection of your personal data (“data“) is of particular concern to us, we process your data exclusively on the basis of the applicable legal provisions. In this Privacy Policy, we inform you in accordance with Art 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR“) about how we, as the data controller, process your data in connection with the provision of our services and our website (“website“).

This Privacy Policy is directed to (i) our customers (“Customers“), and (ii) other users of our services as well as website visitors (“Users”; in particular employees of our Customers or other interested parties). Unless the following expressly refers to Customers or Users, the provisions of this Privacy Policy are addressed to both Users and Customers (collectively referred to as “you“, “your“).

1. The controller of your data is: Mind Impact Ltd dba Mind Ventures 5 HaTidhar Israel (“we“, “us“)

2. How do we process your data?a) Business relationship with CustomersWe process data of our Customers (in particular contact data, billing data) to fulfill our obligations arising from the contractual relationship with the Customers, namely the provision of services to Customers and Users, in particular SaaS solutions with regard to business valuation (Art 6 para 1 lit b GDPR). We further process Customers’ data to fulfill legal obligations (e.g. tax obligations; Art 6 para 1 lit c GDPR) and/or to protect legitimate interests, unless the interests of the Customers in the confidentiality of their data prevail (Art 6 para 1 lit f GDPR). b) Registration / Provision of ServicesOur services are generally offered via our website (SaaS, web applications). If no login is required, only data according to 2.d) is processed. If services are accessible via user accounts subject to your prior login, your name, email address and passwords are processed. Additionally, within the user account also other data such as your contact information as well as information regarding the valuation reports or regarding other queries performed within the service is processed. The aforementioned data is processed for the purpose of operating and providing our services.As regards Customers, the processing of data in the context of registration for a user account or the provision of services is based on Art 6 para 1 lit b GDPR.As regards Users, the processing of data in the context of registration for a user account or the provision of services is based on our legitimate interest pursuant to Art 6 para 1 lit f GDPR to fulfill the contract with our Customers and to grant Users access to our services. c) Our free valuationIf you use our free valuation service, you may generate limited business valuation reports. In this case, your contact details will be obtained so that the valuation report can be sent to you by email.With your consent, the valuation  report will also be sent to experts in the field of business valuation (e.g. tax and business advisors) and you agree to potentially be contacted by them (by email or phone) and be presented an offer for further consulting services by them. You can withdraw your consent that your data may be shared with experts at any time for effect in the future by sending an email to The data processing for the creation of the report and sending to you is based on the performance of the contract pursuant to Art 6 para 1 lit b GDPR. The transfer of your contact data to experts is based on your explicit consent according to Art 6 para 1 lit a GDPR. d) Cookies and Tracking In the course of using our services and or visiting our website, we collect the following data from you, in particular for the purposes of quality assurance and further development of our services and website: date, time and duration of use of the services / website, IP address, system data on the device and operation system used as well as data with regard to your browsing behavior and search operations conducted. We collect this data automatically with cookies and tracking tools provided by third-party providers on the basis your consent pursuant to Art 6 para 1 lit a GDPR (or in connection with Section 165 para 3 Austrian Telecommunication Act in the case of so-called “persistent” cookies, which are stored on your end device).You can reject the storage of individual cookies or the use of tracking tools (via configuration in the cookie banner) or revoke the storage or use of tracking tools in the browser settings at a later time. When cookies are stored or tracking tools are used on the basis of your voluntary consent, your data is sometimes transmitted to recipients in third countries outside the EEA, in particular to the USA. The USA has not been certified by the European Court of Justice as having an adequate level of data protection; in particular, there is a risk that data may be viewed by US authorities for control and monitoring purposes. By giving your consent, you agree that cookies and tracking tools from third-party providers in the USA or from other insecure third countries may be used and accept a possible lower level of data protection (Art 49 para 1 lit a GDPR).Cookies that are absolutely necessary for the structure or functioning of our services or website (technically necessary cookies) cannot be deactivated. In these cases, the data processing is based on our legitimate interest pursuant to Art 6 para 1 lit f GDPR to be able to provide the services and the website in a correspondingly functional manner. e) Contact / RequestWhen you contact us via email or through other contact options offered, the data provided by you will be processed in order to handle and respond to the respective request, in particular: name, email or phone number, any data provided in the text or conversation. We process data to administrate the Customers’ contact requests in the context of (pre)contractual relationships pursuant to Art 6 para 1 lit b GDPR.We process data to administrate the Users’ contact requests in the context of our legitimate interest to provide User support and to fulfill our contracts with Customers according to Art 6 para 1 lit f GDPR.f) NewsletterIf you subscribe to our newsletter, we process the data you voluntarily provide, in particular your name and email address, in order to send you up-to-date information on our products, events and other relevant news at regular intervals. The data processing is based on your explicit consent according to GDPR regulations. You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future (by email to or via the “unsubscribe button” in the respective newsletter email. Your data will be stored until your valid withdrawal.g) TestimonialsIf you give us your explicit consent, we will process your name and if possible your photo in the context of evaluations of our company (testimonials) and publish them on our homepage, in (print) publications and on other social media sites.You are aware that such information can be accessed on the internet by any person. Despite all technical precautions, it cannot be ruled out that such persons may use this information or pass it on to other persons.You can withdraw your consent to the use of your testimonial at any time by e-mail to with effect for the future. 

3. Storage Duration. a) UsersIf Users have created an account with one of our services, we generally store User data for the duration of the Users’ active account, unless there are mandatory provisions for the further retention of certain data or for our defense of legal claims.If, in addition, User data is processed on the basis of the Users’ consent, we store User data until the Users withdraws their consent.Cookies that are stored on the Users’ end device are stored for a maximum period of 14 months.b) Customers We store data within the scope of business relationships with Customers for the duration of the active contractual relationships as well as beyond that in accordance with the statutory retention and documentation obligations (e.g. in accordance with the Austrian Commercial Code as well as the Austrian Tax Code). Further storage of Customers’ data is possible in particular for the defense of our legal claims. 

4. Who will your data be shared with?Your data may be communicated to the following recipients in the course of processing for the above purposes:Service providers (in particular IT providers)Company subsidiaries, insofar as necessary for the provision of our servicesExperts in the field of business valuation when using our service (only upon your consent)Financial organizationsIn case of occasion to legal representatives, notaries, courts and administrative authorities

5. Transfer to third countriesIf the above-mentioned recipients of your data are located outside the EEA and the country in question has not been determined by decision of the EU Commission to have an adequate level of data protection, we will ensure that the transfer is made on the basis of standard contractual clauses or otherwise in accordance with Art 46, 47 or 49 of the GDPR.

6. What rights do you have? Right to informationAs long as we process your data, you have the right to information about the purposes of processing, the categories of data, the origin and the recipients of your data and the duration of storage. Rectification and erasure of dataIf we process inaccurate or incomplete data, you have the right to rectification of such data. If your data is processed unlawfully, you may also request us to erase your data. You may also request the erasure of your data if your data is processed unlawfully, subject to legal obligations preventing the erasure of your data.Limitation of processing You may request us to limit the processing of your data in certain cases. Data portability You have the right to receive the data, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You have the right to direct transmission of those data to another controller as far as this is technically feasible.Right to objectYou have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of data concerning you. If you object to processing of your data, we shall cease to process this data unless our legitimate interests to processing your data prevail. Where data are processed for direct marketing purposes, you shall have the right to object at any time to processing of data concerning you. In this case, we will cease the processing of your data for marketing purposes immediately.Withdrawal of consentYou have the right to withdraw your consent to process your data (where such processing is based on Art 6 para 1 lit a GDPR) at any time. This does not affect the lawfulness of the data processing carried out up to this point.ComplaintYou have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, if you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your rights to protection of your data have been infringed. In Austria, this is the Austrian Data Protection Authority (Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde).