LinkedIn social selling

Highly targeted and strategic relationship development for executives.

No Automations. Everything we do is human.

We unlock and maximize your LinkedIn business development potential expanding your network, and enhancing your reputation. Our laser focused team work  closely with you to source new and exciting opportunities through strategic and proven methodology which combines data-driven insights and emotional intelligence.

We leverage your personal brand and LinkedIn to create powerful assets and channels for your business.

Expand you network with your target audienc

3-4 posts / week written by humans, with your tone of voice

Engage regularly become a recognized personal brand in your industry.

Generate new inbound sales and leads

Establish your reputation as an industry expert

Personal branding on LinkedIn

Executive LinkedIn package pricing

*Most popular starting package

A once off cost of $800 per profile will be applicable for the profile makeover & onboardingEach profile will need a Sales Navigator LinkedIn Subscription > $99 per month paid directly to LinkedInSix month contract to start - which then moves to a month to month service with a 1 month notice

Perfect for

Executive Leadership profile development
Lead Generation: (B2B & B2C)- Creating high quality and high qualified leads
Talent Acquisition: Talent attracting and  - Finding the right people for you business
Startup Founder profile development: Investor Fundraising, thought leadership
Deal Flow: Develop new business and investment dealflow
Strategic: Business relationships and partnerships

KPIs: We measure everything that we can on LinkedIn for you

Daily Activities per profile

Connect with 20 > 25 people - Based on a connection strategy - Specific to your objectives
10 > 20 Comments on relevant posts - comment on posts on the feed and reply to any comments
Post content - 3 > 4 times per week - Personalised and curated
Drive traffic to your website/ landing page, smart link, appointment scheduler
Continue building relationships and network with leads
Visit profiles
Manage your LinkedIn messages and replies
Engaged touchpoints with key leads/ profiles

What you can expect based on your objectives

Lead Generation: 2 > 5 high quality leads per week (Depending on industry and product/service)*In some cases we have been able to produce 20 leads per week.

Investor Sourcing: We help you find and attract potential investors (Angels & VC’s) for your business/ venture. Can expect 2 > 3 high quality conversations per week.

Talent Acquisition: 5 > 10 high quality leads candidates per week (Depending on job title)*In some cases we have been able to produce 20 candidates per week. *No additional recruitment fee per hire.

Industries we serve

Professional Services
B2B Tech
Climate / Sustainability
Real Estate