Certified Company Valuation
98% of business owners do not know the value of their company.
Not knowing what your business is worth, and how valuation is calculated can blindside owners, particularly when seeking financing, managing risk, or planning growth.
Why precisely measure your company valuation
Your company valuation forms the basis for everything you do next in service of your goals. The valuation of the business and the metrics that drive its value inform your understanding of performance. Over time, tracking the valuation determines its positioning, growth and market share.
Performing a certified valuation increases competitiveness
Quality Standards
Our experienced financial experts and analysts conduct deep market research and insights using the latest innovations and technologies accessing comparables across 6 global databases with over 3 million published transactions to ensure the most accurate valuation is attained.
Our valuation service and privacy protocols are in compliance with the strictest standards ensuring that only our financial experts are working directly with you where all data shared is accessible by only those who need it, at all times.
All our valuations are compliant with the both of the following international quality standards:
Valuation methods
We typically perform valuations using the following methods: